We recommend Bluestacks because you can easily find solutions online if you run into problems while using it. Download an Android emulator for PC and Mac:.- The app has been reporting upload speed way higher than it really is, which can be misleading.- Scrolling through dozens of test results to find those with tagged note icons is cumbersome and time-consuming.- The "Notes" option for results is less useful because of the inability to filter test results so that those with notes can be viewed separately.- The latest update introducing separate “multi” and “single” connections testing provides very useful information in terms of gauging in-the-moment download/upload bandwidth capacity.- It can hold internet companies accountable and detect problems early by simply running a speed test.- It can be used in many different aspects, such as testing both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz speeds, mapping signal strength, and assisting in laying out range boosters.- It can quickly pinpoint any connectivity/speed issues with the internet provider.- Ookla is a useful app for testing internet connectivity and speed.